Free Online Cloaks

Never pay for Cloaks again! We offer free online Cloaks for everyone! Just upload a picture through our partner and start playing!

Offline Cosmetics

You are short on money or you want to try out our Cosmetics before you buy them? Sure! We offer you every offline Cosmetic for free!

Multiclient Support

You want to use MoreCosmetics with other mods? Easily integrate it into your Vanilla, Forge or Fabric client with 3 clicks!

Free offline cosmetics

Not sure if a cosmetic is going to fit your skin? No problem, just try all of our cosmetics in the offline-mode and see them in game

If you like your Cosmetics and want other MoreCosmetics Player's to see them, you can buy them in our Store


Personalize everything

  • Change the color of different cosmetic parts
  • Customize the position to match your skin
  • Choose different textures for some cosmetics

Texture Library

Personalize your cosmetics even more. You can pick from of over 1500 Designs for your cloak and shields through our partner NightDesign

Easy Installation

  • Open the MoreCosmetics Installer (Java needed)
  • Select your version and click install
  • Start your game with the selected profile
  • Press "M" to open the user interface